Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)


Innovation Design through Python with Web Technology Tools Workshop for Data Science Branch

On January 9th and 10th, 2023, a workshop was held for the Data Science branch of the computer science department. The topic of the workshop was Innovation Design through Python with Web Technology Tools. The workshop was conducted by Er. Rohit Kumar from Softpro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

The workshop provided students with ample opportunities to apply their learning and develop their innovative solutions using Python and web technology tools. The workshop was conducted in a collaborative and engaging environment, enabling students to interact with their peers and learn from each other.

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The goal of robotics and automation with artificial intelligence is to investigate and comprehend the idea of robotics and their mechanism that is based on AI and used in many fields and for carrying out various tasks. The course will focus on how ROS is used to create robots and automate daily jobs and how much it will help the participants if they understand it.