Department of Information Technology

HOD Desk

Information Technology is at the forefront of innovation, constantly evolving and shaping the world. As aspiring professionals, it's crucial to stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques. I encourage to foster a problem-solving mindset and develop the ability to adapt swiftly to new challenges. The field of IT thrives on creativity and the ability to think with divergence. Embrace these values, as they will serve you well in your academic pursuits and future careers. It can all be achieved with in-depth knowledge of fundamentals along with its practical application. Success can be effortlessly achieved through dedication towards the cause and with immense hard work. The department is committed in providing the resources and guidance, necessary for your growth and development. Our faculty members are not just educators but mentors who are eager to assist you and make up with most of their knowledge and experience.

I am confident that the students of the department would justify the credibility of the department by showing a high level of professional competence in their respective job fields.

Ms. Ritu Agarwal

Associate Professor & Officiating HOD, IT
